An Industry-Busting Car Dealership With a Bold Difference
CCS were a provider of used vehicleles and a broker of the sub prime finance market. The original Credit Car Sales brand was low-end and quite dated – my objective was to bring the public facing company forward into a more current arena, with clean designs and flat styles.
At its peak, CCS was a pioneering contender in the car finance market, and I felt that this should be reflected in its visual identity. This objective was achieved with a new icon-based logo, a new responsive website, updated marketing materials such as HTML emails and printed media, and a Branding Guidelines booklet to help maintain consistency across the board.
Combining these brand new designs with on-page visual persuasion techniques and subtle user-flow encouragement, the overall conversion rate of visitors to the website was significantly increased.
The new identity was rolled out across the entirety of the company, with internal stationery, business cards, customer communications and email signature blocks all receiving the new CCS brand treatment.